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A. Take one ball in each hand. Move your left hand to the centre of your body
   and throw the ball up and over to your right. Immediately you throw the ball,
   move your right hand to the centre of your body and throw that ball up and
   over to your left hand. Catch both balls one after each other.
   Keep practising!

B. Take all three balls: two in your left hand and one in your right. Repeat
   procedure A. (Throw the ball nearest your body in your left hand first).
   Before you catch the incoming ball in your left hand throw the ball in that
   hand up and over towards your right hand. Don't worry about catching this
   ball yet. Just try to end up with one ball in each hand and one on the floor.

C. When confident, try to catch the third ball in your right hand i.e. ending up
   after three throws and catches with one ball in your left hand and two in
   your right.

D. Before catching the second ball in your right hand, trow the ball that's in
   that hand back to your left. By repeating this action, you are juggling -


Theese instructions actually came with a set of juggling balls, on a small sheet
of paper. This text is an exact copy of that. On the bottom of the slip on which
the text is printed it says: "Not suitable for children under 3 years old"
and under which the CE symbol is printed.